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Things We Will Never Understand About Cats

July 16, 2024

We’ve been friends with Fluffy for a very long time—perhaps as much as 12,000 years ago. We’ve gotten to know Man’s Second Best Friend pretty well in that time. However, there are still some things about our feline overlords that we haven’t yet sorted out … and perhaps never will. Actually, kitties are basically furry, adorable little enigmas. A local Elkton, MD vet delves into some kitty mysteries in this article.

Fluffy’s Box Obsession

It’s no secret that our feline buddies really, really like boxes. If you put an empty box down in front of your cat, well, let’s just say it probably won’t stay empty for long. What’s that all about?

Scientists have found a logical reason here. Cats are both predators and prey in the wild, which may be why they have such a curious mix of purrsonality traits. Fluffy can be terrified of a kitchen pot banging, but completely fearless when it comes to things like climbing trees or darting out in front of you when you’re carrying something hot or heavy. 

Kitties are also small enough to fit into small spaces. It makes sense that our feline pals would feel safest in an enclosed spot, where nothing can sneak up on them. So, the thinking is that this is a safety instinct. That makes sense. However, that doesn’t explain why cats stuff themselves into boxes that are clearly too small for them. Or why Fluffy is also drawn to invisible boxes, which are nothing more than a square outline of tape on the floor. (Tip: if you really want to pamper your feline overlord, try making her a box castle. This is a great rainy-day project for kids! 

Their Relationship With Catnip

Kitties are remarkably entertaining. Fluffy is never more amusing to watch than when she is enjoying some of her favorite plant. Your furry pal may meow, run around, roll, and generally just act adorably silly. After a few minutes, the catnip effects wear off, and your pet will probably take yet one more nap to sleep it off. It will take her brain a few hours to reset before she becomes susceptible to catnip again.

We have learned a lot about how catnip affects cats. There is a substance called nepetalactone, which stimulates your pet’s brain, triggering the release of certain hormones. In fact, your kitty’s adorable little nose has scent receptacles that purrfectly match the odor molecules of catnip. But as to why kitties and catnip have this curious (and highly entertaining) link? No one knows.

It’s worth noting that not all cats are susceptible to catnip. If your kitty doesn’t seem affected by it, try giving her honeysuckle cat toys. For some reason, kitties that are not susceptible to catnip are often sensitive to honeysuckle toys. Just be sure to only give your kitty actual cat toys, as parts of the honeysuckle plant are unsafe.

Why They Are So Tired

Our furry little buddies are collectively exhausted. Kitties spend up to 20 hours a day napping. Most squeak by on a mere 12 to 16.

Why is Fluffy so tired? Is being adorable that draining?

There are some theories about this. As you may know, kitties can’t easily cool off if they overheat. Fluffy can be in serious danger if she gets too hot. She may have learned long ago to avoid overexerting herself. 

Cats also spend massive amounts of energy in a short period of time when they are hunting. Also, once they’ve caught that mouse and had their dinner, they don’t really need to do anything, except lounge around pondering the meaning of life.

Then again, every other predator on the planet somehow squeaks by on a more reasonable 12 to 14 hours. In fact, the only animals that sleep more than Man’s Second Best Friend are some bats, possums, and teenage humans.

Their Understanding Of Physics

Have you ever found your kitty peacefully snoozing in a position that one would think would be more appropriation for a knot or pretzel? Fluffy can twist and turn herself into all sorts of configurations. We do know that kitties are quite flexible. This is due to their bone structure.

That said, the mysteries go a bit further here. 

We’ve never been able to prove that kitties can teleport, or found evidence that they use wormholes, but we have our suspicions. Fluffy does have a curious way of popping up in a spot unexpectedly when you could have sworn she was at the other end of the house. 

Let’s just say we have our questions on this one.


Kitties may be small, but they can be pretty feisty. Fluffy may be loving and cuddly one moment, and then unexpectedly lash out at you the next. They also have a tendency to show affection by, well, attacking us. In fact, Man’s Second Best Friend has a tendency to cuddle one minute, and bite the next. 

The Universal Cat Distribution System

You may have heard of this one. The Universal Cat Distribution System is the term for a supposed galactic mechanism that assigns kitties to their intended owners. That means, if an adorable feline shows up on your porch or pops out of a bush to meow at you as you are on your way to work, well, you may have been assigned a kitty. 

This may seem quite random, but there have been some curious cases that make you think. For instance, one couple was heartbroken about the loss of their cat, only to have a strange kitty show up on their porch the next day.

Kitty Body Language

We do know quite a bit about Fluffy’s body language. For instance, a lashing tail in a cat is not usually a good sign. An angry kitty may flatten her ears and hiss. There are also a lot of nuances to your pet’s whisker positioning.

That said, there are also a few curious quirks to Fluffy’s nonverbal communication. For instance, only pet cats walk with their tails held straight up. Strays and feral kitties let theirs droop. No one is quite sure why, other than this may be some sort of way kitties signal to one another to brag about the fact that they have successfully taken control of their human servants.

Another interesting thing about kitty body language? Slow blinks signal affection. And if your pet ever says hello by, well, mooning you, she’s also showing her love, albeit in a rather rude manner.

Those are just the general ones. We also can’t probably tell you why Fluffy sometimes eats your wallpaper, or why she insists on following you into the bathroom, or why she just can’t resist offering a helping paw when it’s time to change the sheets or wrap a gift. What we do know, however, is that these charming little balls of fur have a special way of melting our hearts, making us smile, and turning our houses into homes. 

Make An Appointment At Your Elkton, MD Pet Clinic

Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your local Elkton, MD pet clinic, today! We’re always happy to help! 

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